Looking for a way to get involved with Girls on the Run but can't commit to coaching? Consider sponsoring a girl! As a sponsor you will fundraise or contribute the registration fee of $150 for a participant. You will be paired with a GOTR participant that you can inspire and encourage as they participants in the Girls on the Run program this spring. Throughout the season you will send notes of encouragement, participate with them at the practice 5K on October 16 3:00 PM, and serve as their 5K Buddy at the end of season 5K on November 10 at 2:00PM at Principal Park!
Studies have shown that 97% of Girls on the Run participants said they learned critical life skills including managing emotions, resolving conflict, helping others or making intentional decisions that they can use at home, at school and with their friends. Help ensure each girl has her own cheerleader in her corner as she navigates the season!
Be the highlight of a season for a girl! Join us here.